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The Complete Original Works for Violin and Piano
Fritz Kreisler

Kees Hulsmann | Marian Bolt

The Complete Original Works for Violin and Piano

Price: € 22.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917274929
Catnr: CC 72749
Release date: 04 November 2016
2 CD
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€ 22.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72749
Release date
04 November 2016

"Some may prefer a more seductively cosseting approach to such old favourites [….,] with lashings of portamento and double-stops, but played like this, with an affectionate grace and uncluttered phrasal and rhythmic naturalness, the effect is as though a layer of interpretative accretion has been removed."

The Strad, 01-7-2017

About the album

the voluminous oeuvre of Fritz Kreisler for violin and piano includes many themes of composers from the Baroque to the beginning of the twentieth century and pieces composed by the great violinist himself. We were especially interested in the last category, from which the three Viennese dances Liebesleid, Liebesfreud and Schon Rosmarin are the most famous ones. For this album we chose to record the complete collection of original pieces, no adaptations of other composers. When composing the list of original pieces we had concerns about two pieces not being sure that they are purely Kreisler. The theme of the Rondino in the style of Beethoven could possibly be a lost piece for winds, but we could not find any proof of that. In the Grave, in the style of Friedemann Bach it was also impossible to find the hand of Bach. Thus we included these pieces. The most curious piece on this album is the song, Op. 6. We found it in a collection of works where it seemed untouched. Until n
Vermaard duo speelt bekend en onbekend werk van vioolvirtuoos Kreisler
Deze muziek voor viool en piano van componist en violist Fritz Kreisler, staat garant voor "twee uur genieten en je hoeft er niet eens voor naar Wenen", zoals Kerk en Leven schrijft. Het vermaarde duo violist Kees Hulsman en pianiste Marian Bolt weten wel raad met deze romantische muziek en maken er een mooie uitvoering van.

Het veelomvattende oeuvre voor viool en piano van Fritz Kreisler bevat een groot aantal thema's van componisten uit de Barok tot aan het begin van de 20ste eeuw. Voor deze opname koos het duo Hulsman en Bolt ervoor, die bewerkingen van andere componisten weg te laten, en alleen de originele composities van Kreisler op te nemen. Waarvan de drie Weense dansen Liebesleid, Liebesfreud en Schön Rosmarin de bekendste zijn. Deze dansen worden overal ter wereld gespeeld in cafés, restaurants, bars en concertzalen. Een bijzonder stuk op dit album is het melancholische Song. Het lijkt erop dat dit nooit eerder bewerkt of gespeeld is. Je zou dus kunnen zeggen dat het hier om een première gaat. Kees Hulsman en Marian Bolt voelen zich aangetrokken tot de pure muziek van Kreisler. Ze volgen de aanwijzingen van strijktechniek en vingerzettingen van Kreisler zoveel mogelijk op. Omdat die manier van vioolspelen in de loop van de tijd veranderd is, wordt de interpretatie van het duo onvermijdelijk beïnvloed door hun eigen smaak en ideeën.

De Oostenrijker Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962) was een van de grootste vioolvirtuozen van de 20ste eeuw. Hij schreef verschillende vioolconcerten en was de laatste violist in de traditie van Paganini, die de wereld rondtrok om zijn eigen werk ten gehore te brengen. Wonderkind Kreisler werd in Wenen geboren. Hij startte daar zijn muziekstudie aan het conservatorium. Als jongste student ooit, hij was pas 7 jaar. Drie jaar later, in Parijs, studeerde hij viool, kreeg compositieles van de Franse componist Léo Delibes, bekend van de balletmuziek, en leerde zichzelf ook nog pianospelen. Op zijn 13e ging hij op tournee door Amerika. Duizendpoot Kreisler keerde de muziek op een gegeven moment de rug toe en studeerde medicijnen en schilderkunst. Toch won de muziek. Inmiddels beroemd verruilde de violist Europa af en toe voor Amerika en trad hij over de hele wereld op. Zo ook voor koningin Wilhelmina, prins Hendrik en koningin-moeder Emma. Bij het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog zocht hij zijn toevlucht in de Verenigde Staten, waar hij Amerikaans staatsburger werd. Hij overleed in New York.
Das umfangreiche Œuvre Fritz Kreislers für Violine und Klavier beinhaltet viele Themen von Komponisten vom Barock bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts sowie Stücke, die von dem großen Violinisten selbst komponiert wurden. Uns interessierten besonders die letzteren, von denen die drei Wiener Tänze Liebesleid, Liebesfreud und Schön Rosmarin die bekanntesten sind. Für dieses Album haben wir uns entschieden, die gesamte Sammlung eigener Kompositionen aufzunehmen, keine Adaptionen anderer Komponisten.
Als wir die Liste von Eigenkompositionen zusammenstellten, hatten wir Bedenken bei zwei Stücken, denn wir waren nicht sicher, ob sie wirklich rein von Kreisler waren. Das Thema des Rondino im Stile Beethovens könnte möglicherweise ein verlorenes Stück für Bläser sein, doch wir konnten keinen Beleg dafür finden. Im Grave im Stile Friedemann Bachs war es auch unmöglich, die Hand Bachs zu finden. Darum haben wir diese Stücke eingeschlossen.
Das ungewöhnlichste Stück auf dieser CD ist das Lied Opus 6. Wir haben es in einer Sammlung von Werken gefunden, wo es unangetastet schien. Bis jetzt haben wir keine Aufnahme oder auch nur eine Aufzeichnung über ein Konzert gefunden. Also haben wir dieses melancholische kleine Stück wohl als Premiere aufgenommen.
Mit dieser Aufnahme haben wir versucht, so vielen von Kreislers Notizen wie möglich zu Strich und Fingerpositionen zu folgen. Das Violinspiel hat sich seit Kreislers Zeit verändert und das Wissen über historische Aufführungspraxis beeinflusst, wie wir spielen. Unvermeidlich beeinflussen auch unsere eigenen Ideen und unser eigener Geschmack, wie wir auf dieser CD interpretieren.


Marian Bolt (piano)

Marian Bolt studied with Herman Uhlhorn in Utrecht and took lessons with Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden in Brussels. She received degrees as performing musician, in piano teaching and in music education. Marian Bolt has played concerts in 17 countries around the globe, with many different musicians. She accompanied Victor Liberman in his debut recital as concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. Her Trio Klavino won the audition for funding with the Nederlands Impresariaat in 1986. With this group and the Dutch Pianists’ Quartet she specialized in modern repertoire. She recorded a CD with the quartet on the Attacca label, performing original works for two pianos eight hands. Compositions by Fritz Kreisler, recorded with violinist Lorre Lynn Trytten, appeared on EMI....
Marian Bolt studied with Herman Uhlhorn in Utrecht and took lessons with Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden in Brussels. She received degrees as performing musician, in piano teaching and in music education. Marian Bolt has played concerts in 17 countries around the globe, with many different musicians.
She accompanied Victor Liberman in his debut recital as concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. Her Trio Klavino won the audition for funding with the Nederlands Impresariaat in 1986. With this group and the Dutch Pianists’ Quartet she specialized in modern repertoire. She recorded a CD with the quartet on the Attacca label, performing original works for two pianos eight hands. Compositions by Fritz Kreisler, recorded with violinist Lorre Lynn Trytten, appeared on EMI. As a soloist Marian Bolt played piano concertos of César Franck, Constant Lambert and Béla Bartók. Furthermore she plays piano, celesta, harmonium and keyboard with the major Dutch symphony orchestras and has performed in recitals with the Dutch Radio Choir.
Marian Bolt works also as private accompanist and coach for orchestras, soloists, conductors and choirs and gave master classes with Herman Krebbers, Victor Liberman and Philipp Hirshhorn and the Kurt Thomas conductor courses. While studying she was offered a position at the Utrecht Conservatory in 1982 as an official accompanist, coach and piano teacher. She has, as a prima vista specialist, developed multiple courses at the conservatory especially for the improvement of sight-reading for all instruments.


Kees Hulsmann (violin)

Kees Hulsmann started playing the violin when he was 8 years old. He studied first with the eminent Dutch violin educator Davina van Wely and later with Jo Juda at the Amsterdam conservatory. While studying at the conservatory he formed a duo with Joop van Zon, a conductor and pianist, that was of great influence in his development as a musician. The duo soon toured through the United States, also performing for radio and television. Hulsmann concluded his studies in Amsterdam 'cum laude' and continued his education with Manoug Parikian in London. After playing a number of concerts in Israel, he was offered the position of concertmaster in the Israel Chamber Orchestra. After a number of years he returned to the Netherlands to...
Kees Hulsmann started playing the violin when he was 8 years old. He studied first with the eminent Dutch violin educator Davina van Wely and later with Jo Juda at the Amsterdam conservatory.
While studying at the conservatory he formed a duo with Joop van Zon, a conductor and pianist, that was of great influence in his development as a musician. The duo soon toured through the United States, also performing for radio and television.
Hulsmann concluded his studies in Amsterdam "cum laude" and continued his education with Manoug Parikian in London.
After playing a number of concerts in Israel, he was offered the position of concertmaster in the Israel Chamber Orchestra. After a number of years he returned to the Netherlands to be concertmaster of the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra. He was invited to be concertmaster of the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest and in 1986 he was offered the position of concertmaster of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, a position that he kept until 2009.
Hulsmann was a guest of honour in almost all the orchestras in London, making an internationally renown registration (on Telarc) of the Sheherezade of Rimsky Korsakov with the London Symphony Orchestra. Beside his position in Rotterdam he was asked in 1993 to be concertmaster of the Halle Orchestra in Manchester.
Mr .Hulsmann has performed throughout Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, in North and South America and Russia. He played in festivals at Aspen in Colorado, and in France, Brazil, Italy, Korea and Spain.
He has made several recordings, including the first recording (on New Albion) of the First Violin Concerto by American composer Peter Scott Lewis, with the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra and conductor Kent Nagano. This resulted in the composition of Lewis' second Violin Concerto, dedicated to Kees Hulsmann. The world premiere was with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra with the conductor Alan Gilbert. The concerto was rewritten by the composer for violin and piano and recorded by Hulsmann and pianist Matthew Edwards ( Lapis Island records). With the Russian pianist Irina Kandinskaya he recorded the complete works for violin and piano of Johannes Brahms (for Olympia).
In 2009 Hulsmann left the Rotterdam orchestra to deepen his knowledge of music before 1850. The invitation from the Residentie Orkest in the Hague to be concertmaster there for a few years and try to develop more style awareness in a modern orchestra, was a challenge he could not refuse. He also led the ensemble Camerata Vermeer, an ensemble that performed music of Mozart and contemporaries on period instruments.
Kees Hulsmann has taught now for over 30 years in conservatories in the Netherlands and has given masterclasses all around the world.



Fritz Kreisler

Friedrich 'Fritz' Kreisler was an Austrian-born violinist and composer. One of the most noted violin masters of his or any other day, and regarded as one of the greatest violin masters of all time, he was known for his sweet tone and expressive phrasing. Like many great violinists of his generation, he produced a characteristic sound which was immediately recognisable as his own. Although it derived in many respects from the Franco-Belgian school, his style is nonetheless reminiscent of the gemütlich (cozy) lifestyle of pre-war Vienna.
Friedrich "Fritz" Kreisler was an Austrian-born violinist and composer. One of the most noted violin masters of his or any other day, and regarded as one of the greatest violin masters of all time, he was known for his sweet tone and expressive phrasing.
Like many great violinists of his generation, he produced a characteristic sound which was immediately recognisable as his own. Although it derived in many respects from the Franco-Belgian school, his style is nonetheless reminiscent of the gemütlich (cozy) lifestyle of pre-war Vienna.



Some may prefer a more seductively cosseting approach to such old favourites [….,] with lashings of portamento and double-stops, but played like this, with an affectionate grace and uncluttered phrasal and rhythmic naturalness, the effect is as though a layer of interpretative accretion has been removed.
The Strad, 01-7-2017

I’d recommend Hulsmann and Marian Bolt, then, principally to those who have admired their work over the years and wish to hear them in such an ambitious collection.
Fanfare Magazine, 01-6-2017

Challenge Classics has pulled out all the stops with this valuable edition and created a worthy Kreisler monument. My goodness, it's about time!
Opus Klassiek, 30-3-2017

(...) Two hours to enjoy and you don't even have to travel all the way to Vienna (...)
Kerk & Leven, 12-2-2017

Hulsmann plays the violin magnificently without a doubt. His flawless violin-playing has elasticity, his tone is lyrically beautiful, and flows through all the notes with a musicality that is fed by experience.
Luister, 01-2-2017

"Two hours of delight and you don't even have to go to Wien to get the experience."
Kerk en Leven, 01-11-2016

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Tempo di Minuetto in the Style of Pugnani
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Andantino in the Style of Martini
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Scherzo in the Style of Dittersdorf
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Gypsy Caprice
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Aucassin and Nicolette
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Allegretto in the Style of Boccherini
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Preghiera in the Style of Martini
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Tambourin Chinois, Op 3.
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Allegretto in the Style of Porpora
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
La Précieuse in the Style of Couperin
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Sicilienne and Rigaudon in the Style of Francoeur
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Caprice viennois, Op. 2
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Marche miniature viennoise
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Minuett in the Style of Porpora
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Berceuse romantique, Op. 9
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
La Gitana
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Schön Rosmarin
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt

Disc #2
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Viennese Rhapsodic Fantasietta
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Chanson Louis XIII et Pavane in the Style of Couperin
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
A Song
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
La Chasse in the Style of Cartier
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Rondino on a Theme by Beethoven
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Shepherd’s Madrigal
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Toy-Soldiers March
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Aubade Provençale in the Style of Couperin
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
Grave in the Style of W.F. Bach
(Fritz Kreisler) Kees Hulsmann, Marian Bolt
Praeludium and Allegro in the Style of Pugnani
(Fritz Kreisler) Marian Bolt , Kees Hulsmann
show all tracks


Kees Hulsmann 's fondness of Fritz Kreisler: an interview!
Interview Marian Bolt about Fritz Kreisler

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